Andrew Klein will be offering a workshop on “improving writing style” this Wednesday evening at the Center for Written, Oral, and Visual Communication. I recommend it if you have time to go! Here’s his description, as sent out to all FWIS instructors:
I’ll be teaching a workshop on “Style” at the CWOVC–Fondren 201–this Wednesday, from 7:00 – 9:00. It’s designed for undergraduate students who are seeking to improve the clarity of their written work. It will address aspects of academic writing at the sentence, paragraph, and text levels so as to enable students to produce smooth, readable prose that takes the reader from sentence to sentence in a coherent manner. I won’t claim that it will solve your student’s writing problems, but it should be able to offer them a few concrete strategies to improve their clarity. All students are certainly welcome to sign up, but it will be particularly helpful for those who have trouble at the level of the sentence. If you have anyone in your classes this semester who you think might benefit from this, please encourage them to attend.
So this is me, encouraging you to attend!